The users can also get the information on the already installed plugins, compatibility verification, check new versions of Sonar and automatically manage the plugin compatibility matrix.
Also note that in general, you shouldn't remove anything unless you know what it does and why it does it — check the WordPress or other plugin source code to be sure.
In other words, these libraries provide a simple API, and then check to see what storage capabilities were present (which might be a proprietary browser API or might be a plugin like Flash).
Check that the plugin has been activated in your plugin Panel of your Administration Panels.
You can download it manually, or use this handy plugin installation tool I whipped up. Right now, Health Check will only tell you if you’re ready for WordPress 3.2.
Check that you have followed the plugin author's instructions to the letter.
A plugin might not be compatible with the new version, so it's nice to check for new versions of them and deactivate any that may cause problems.
You should download the plugin list every once in a while to check if there are new plugins and whenever you changed your repository selection.
I check the source code of the plugin and I can see there are methods related to handle recurring payments.
Enjoy the last time you have to check for plugin updates manually, as 2.3 will do it magically behind the scenes.
Enjoy the last time you have to check for plugin updates manually, as 2.3 will do it magically behind the scenes.