When you select this checkbox, a drop-down list of available problem types for that collector is displayed.
The JSF form contains three input components: a text field, a checkbox, and a drop-down list.
For example, if you are running a transfer program that accepts a list of files as an argument, you might list all your files in a row with a checkbox next to each one.
This utility function works on any HTML element, from a div to text input or a checkbox or select-list.
Selection list style is used to specify the type of rendering for a list (example: controls forces an xfmuselect to render as a checkbox, if checkboxes are supported by the device.)
Selectionliststyle用于指定列表的呈现类型(例如,如果设备支持复选框,则 controls 强制 xfmuselect呈现为复选框。)
Select port types in the list, or uncheck the 'Restrict Dial-in media' checkbox.
If this checkbox is selected before clicking Search, Notes will only look for rooms on your preferred rooms list that are also part of the specified site.
However, if you click the checkbox first, Notes will limit the search to a more manageable list.
Go to Step 2: Map modules to servers and select the AuthoringServer node in the clusters and servers list, check the checkbox below, and click Apply.
The Adobe Flex interface listens for the onclick event (for when the checkbox is selected) for removing an item from the to-do list (Figure 5).
Checkboxes allow the user to select one or more options from a set. Typically, you should present each checkbox option in a vertical list.
Checkboxes allow the user to select one or more options from a set. Typically, you should present each checkbox option in a vertical list.