I figured chemical engineering would be the best way to get into new energy because it's a really broad major.
"We're thinking about how we can engineer plants to replace functions of the things that we use every day," explained Michael Strano, a professor of chemical engineering at MIT.
I got my degree in chemical engineering in 1974 and almost all my colleagues went into the oil industry, because there were so many jobs there at that time.
So he became an engineer, earning a Ph.D. in chemical engineering from the University of Cambridge in the United Kingdom.
Without innumerable advances in immunology, biochemistry, chemical engineering, statistics and metallurgy, to name but a few, I wouldn't be where I am now - in fact I wouldn't be at all.
If you are trained in chemical engineering, you will be looking to the chemical or petrol chemical industry.
Bentu, a German engineer who earned his master's degree in chemical engineering from Montana State University in Bozeman in 1990, joined Koch-Glitsch in 2001.
Technology combining genetic engineering of cells with chemical engineering to create artificial organs and tissues such as skin, bone, heart valves, and cartilage for joints.
I'm studying chemical engineering.
She studied chemical engineering at the University of California, Los Angeles.
Being an engineer sounded good to me. I found out early that I liked chemistry, so I took up chemical engineering.
In the fall, she's going to Harvard to study chemical engineering.
A leaf is a beautiful thing. It is also a wonder of chemical engineering.
The young Faludywas packed off to Viennato study chemical engineering.
“It’s kind of comparing apples and oranges,” says Hugh Hillhouse, a professor of chemical engineering at the University of Washington. “The semiconductor industry makes minutely patterned silicon.
And if you think he is all brawn and no brains, think again; he holds a Masters Degree in Chemical Engineering from The Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm.
Fred attended M.I.T., where he earned a degree in chemical engineering.
It will be of interest to researchers in chemistry, physics, chemical engineering, pharmacy, food science and materials science.
In chemistry and chemical engineering, a separation process is used to transform a mixture of substances into two or more distinct products.
The book is aimed at chemical engineering applications, and consequently it is limited to thermally compressible flows ( low Mach numbers).
For data to be useful, we must be able to store, transmit and process it. Chemical engineering can help with all three actions.
This wide working scale range is a characteristic of chemical engineering compared with the other engineering disciplines.
In chemical engineering and related fields, a unit operation is a basic step in a process.
I was wondering about next semester 's course in molecular chemical engineering. I don't understand the need for it, after all, chemical engineers deal with bulk processes.
I was wondering about next semester 's course in molecular chemical engineering. I don't understand the need for it, after all, chemical engineers deal with bulk processes.