Sulfur dioxide emissions and chemical oxygen demand kept falling, down 5.95% and 4.42% respectively, and this trend became more firmly set.
According to the study agriculture is responsible for 43.7% of the nation's chemical oxygen demand (the main measure of organic compounds in water) 67% of phosphorus and 57% of nitrogen discharges.
According to the study, agriculture is responsible for 43.7% of the nation's chemical oxygen demand (the main measure of organic compounds in water), 67% of phosphorus and 57% of nitrogen discharges.
Chemical oxygen demand discharges: 30.3 billion tonnes (44% from agriculture).
Measurements of the Chemical Oxygen Demand and the concentration of the anionic surfactants were used to follow the oxidation.
The current scope of major pollutants includes sulfur dioxide and chemical oxygen demand, a gauge of water pollution.
This paper discusses in detail that coulometry quickly measures chemical oxygen demand of low polluted domestic sewage of the school and high polluted industrial sewage.
The influence factors of chemical oxygen demand (COD) and removal effect of chroma during the wet air oxidation of degradation-resistant pesticide wastewater with high salinity were investigated.
Chemical oxygen demand is one of the important parameter in water monitoring.
The contents of petroleum hydrocarbons, chemical oxygen demand and chrome all meet the fishery water quality standard for major water areas in this Bay except a few estuary areas.
A method based on all band ultraviolet scanning for measuring water chemical oxygen demand (COD) was introduced, and the method was applied to develop an on-line COD measuring instrument.
To rapidly determine the pollution extent of wastewater, the potential of near infrared(NIR) spectroscopy for measurement of chemical oxygen demand(COD) in wastewater was investigated.
A method for the rapid and accurate determination of chemical oxygen demand (COD) using potassiumdichromate as oxidant under new conditions is described in this paper.
The method of flow injection analysis (FIA) is described for continuously measuring chemical oxygen demand (COD) in seawater.
The purpose of studying the correlation of total organic carbon (TOC) with permanganate index and chemical oxygen demand (COD) has been stated.
Temperature had an evident influence on chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal.
Chemical oxygen demand is an integrative index for evaluating the degrees of organic pollution in water, and is also one of the important parameters in water monitoring.
Chemical oxygen demand is one of the important index in water monitoring. In this paper, the recent development for determination of chemical oxygen demand is briefly summarized.
Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) is the representative index of sewage water.
The relationship between the mixed liquor suspended solid concentration, chemical oxygen demand and wastewater permeation pressure of the membrane was studied.
The Chemical Oxygen Demand(COD) and the Chromaticity Color ( CC) reduction rates were 93.94% and 64. 62% respectively.
The effect of degradation of suspended solid and chemical oxygen demand in coking sewage by filtering and that effect by chemical coagulation were researched and compared through testing.
There was 75.75% increase on chemical oxygen demand (COD).
Chemical oxygen demand (COD) is a synthetical indicator which represents the degree of organic pollution in water.
An experiment was made on the pharmaceutical wastewater treatment with the contact oxidation process by adding effective microorganisms (em) to remove the chemical oxygen demand (COD).
Chemical Oxygen Demand, widely used as an indicator to identify the characters of wastewater, could be disturbed by hydrogen peroxide.
Chemical Oxygen Demand, widely used as an indicator to identify the characters of wastewater, could be disturbed by hydrogen peroxide.