Members of an environmental group are staging a protest inside a chemical plant.
They found that longer residence correlated with more adoption of improved plant varieties but less adoption of chemical herbicides.
Textile dyes, such as indigo, were mostly of plant origin until the advent of synthetic chemical dyes.
There are indications that pleiotropic plant hormones may actually function by activating the enzymes that release these other, more specific chemical messengers from the cell wall.
I understand that your company has a chemical processing plant.
Well, I understand that your company has a chemical processing plant.
The indigo plant was highly valued until the discovery of chemical dyes in the 19th century.
Mass protests, such as successful demonstrations in 2007 by residents of Xiamen against a planned chemical plant on the coast, are localised.
To show you I'm honest, I'm goint to tell you about the disadvantage - there is a chemical plant one block south and a slaughterhouse one block north.
为了说明我是诚实的,我将告诉你们它的缺点- 往南面一个街区是一家化工厂,往北面一个街区是一家屠宰场。
As well as the Khodro car factory, the Iranians have promised to build tractors, an oil refinery and a chemical plant, as well as to provide a lot of cheap oil.
On July 10, 1976, an explosion at a northern Italian chemical plant released a thick, white cloud of dioxin that quickly settled on the town of Seveso, north of Milan.
PASS by a chemical plant, and the plumes billowing from its smokestacks may get you thinking.
Râmnicu Vâlcea was better off than many towns in this relatively poor country—it had a decades-old chemical plant and a modest tourism industry.But many young men and women struggled to find work.
Last year's badly handled closure of Senegal's biggest chemical plant has contributed to a reduction in industrial output.
The Sudanese chemical plant was destroyed.
The facility is also a world-scale chemical plant, pumping out thousands of tons of polyethylene and polypropylene, the building blocks of plastic, and paraxylene, which gets turned into polyester.
A court found the pollution exceeded acceptable levels and ordered the Rongping Joint Chemical Plant to pay damages of about $85,000.
Chemical plant machine operators monitor and operate units and machinery to blend, mix, process and package a wide range of specialty chemicals, pharmaceuticals, cleaning and toiletry products.
The explosion of the chemical plant has poisoned many local residents.
"After the blast at the chemical plant the monitoring station in Jilin found that benzene went into the river and polluted the water," the EPA said in a statement on its website.
This chemical plant hires both domestic and overseas professionals.
We decided to develop a special chemical plant.
Second organic Dalian chemical plant liquidations instance is to be that the enterprise commerce secret is infringed upon, enterprise intangible assets running off classic documentation.
The flocculant produced by AY11 has an excellent effect in purifying and decoloring various kind of wastewater, such as urban living sewage, daily chemical plant wastewater and dye wastewater, etc.
AY 11所产絮凝剂对城市生活污水、日用化工厂废水、染料废水等多种废水均有很好的净化、脱色效果。
The flocculant produced by AY11 has an excellent effect in purifying and decoloring various kind of wastewater, such as urban living sewage, daily chemical plant wastewater and dye wastewater, etc.
AY 11所产絮凝剂对城市生活污水、日用化工厂废水、染料废水等多种废水均有很好的净化、脱色效果。