The main treatment methods of spent electroless nickel plating solution include chemical deposition, catalytic reduction, electrolysis, ionic exchange, etc.
Recently deep researches on new methods of sludge reduction are conducted, based on chemical oxidation and metabolic uncoupling.
Four preparation methods for aromatic amine were reviewed in the paper: reduction of metals, catalytic hydrogenation reduction, hydration hydrazine reduction and electro-chemical reduction.
In this paper mechanical polishing; Chemical polishing and hydrogen reduction methods used im cleaning bearing steel surface for oxygen determination have been studied.
Introduction of 11-hydroxy group into steroids by chemical methods, such as keto-reduction, halogenation-dehalogenation, borane-hydrogen peroxide and peroxidation-reduction are reviewed.
综述了在甾体化合物11 -位引入羟基的各种化学合成方法,主要包括酮基还原法、上脱卤素法、硼烷双氧水法、过氧化-还原法等。
Introduction of 11-hydroxy group into steroids by chemical methods, such as keto-reduction, halogenation-dehalogenation, borane-hydrogen peroxide and peroxidation-reduction are reviewed.
综述了在甾体化合物11 -位引入羟基的各种化学合成方法,主要包括酮基还原法、上脱卤素法、硼烷双氧水法、过氧化-还原法等。