At an all-company meeting in a Seattle sports stadium, one hapless employee used his iPhone to snap photos of Microsoft Chief Executive Steve Ballmer.
在美国西雅图一处体育馆里举行的全公司大会上,一个倒霉的微软员工用自己的iPhone手机为微软首席执行长鲍尔默(Steve Ballmer)拍照。
Philip Bevis, chief executive of Arundel books, which sells online and in its Seattle store, said he did not believe such customized agreements would extend to small booksellers like him.
非利普·布瑞斯是Arundel Books的行政长官,这家电子商务公司在网上和西雅图的书店里出售图书。他说他不相信这些“约定俗成的共识”会扩展到像他一样的小书商那里。
Henry Liebman is chief executive of American Life, a Seattle-based real estate company that manages around 15% of all EB-5 projects nationwide.
亨利·利伯曼是位于西雅图的美国生活房地产公司的首席执行官。美国生活房地产公司管理着全国大约15%的EB - 5项目。
3: Here Comes the flood: the chief attempts to implement new teaching policies, and George tries to retake his residency exam as flooding from a plumbing leak causes major problems at Seattle Grace.
United now head to Seattle for a week-long stay, with the chief executive David Gill joining them on Friday.
United now head to Seattle for a week-long stay, with the chief executive David Gill joining them on Friday.