Frances Perkins the first woman cabinet member who advocated the 8 hour day, stricter factory safety laws, and laws for the protection of women and children in the labor force.
The law of the sea is women and children first.
Hundreds of women and children had gathered in the narrow lanes, and witnesses said the women tumbled over one another trying to enter a building in an attempt to collect the food first.
Influenced perhaps by fear or anger, the marines may have "shot first and asked questions later, and women and children died as a result," he says.
In the Pushpa Nagar slum, the arrival of the first tanker for two days prompted a frantic scramble, with men jostling women and children in their determination to get to the precious liquid first.
Helicopters rescued the first group of people trapped by avalanches in Nilka county, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous region, at about 2 PM Sunday. The 11 rescued were 6 women and 5 children.
She arrived in Madras in 1771 with her young daughter. She was far from the first British woman traveller in India but she was an early one: fewer than 100 European women and children lived there.
Lack of access to water, sanitation and hygiene affects the health, security, livelihood and quality of life for children, impacting women and girls first and most.
Mr Charney opened his first shop in 2003. Today he has 143 in 11 countries selling casual clothes for men, women and children.
For the first time, the FDA has issued a warning that the mercury contained in silver dental fillings may pose neurological risks to children and pregnant women.
We know, too, that women and young children are among the first to be affected by a deterioration in financial circumstances and food availability.
There's no practical reason to perpetuate the custom of opening doors for women, let alone the tradition of "women and children first".
Each year more than half a million women die from pregnancy-related causes and 10.6 million children die, 40% of them in the first month of life.
Pregnant women, health care workers and young children get the vaccine first. Many parents want to know when the next batch of vaccines will arrive for their older children.
There are no international maritime laws dictating that women and children board first.
But Lorna and I have seen illiterate women in Uganda learn to read within days and children exposed to books for the first time in South Africa finding a new world they didn't know existed.
First, women who had delayed having children while they studied and started careers hurried to the maternity wards while they still could.
The New England hospital for Women and Children, established in 1862, was the first nursing school in the country.
When the danger is coming, women, older and children is the first evacuator.
There's no practical reason to perpetuate the custom of opening doors for women, let alone the tradition of "women and children first. ""
When a ship sinks, women (and children) get off first.
When a surviving ship's officer was later asked whether "women and children first" was the captain's rule or the rule of the sea, he replied that it was the rule of human nature.
Many of the early French fur traders and some English traders married First Nations women. Their children and descendants are the Metis people.
The men on the, 8hip let all the women and children go aboard the lifeboat first then the ship was sinking.
The men on the, 8hip let all the women and children go aboard the lifeboat first then the ship was sinking.