Infectious bronchitis generally begins with the symptoms of a common cold: runny nose, sore throat, fatigue, and chilliness.
Sweet smell; in winter, it carrirs a crisp chilliness …
As a bonfire dispels chilliness, so our solidarity drives away the enemy.
Heat cellulites viscera when Chilliness with fever, mouth thirst, depressed.
Still, with all the scolding and chilliness at home, he was a sweet and gentle child.
Still, with all the scolding and chilliness at home, he was a sweet and gentle child.
Is it in the deep autumn season? I can't remember clearly, but just as this chilliness.
It is the nine hundred days of horrible starvation, death, chilliness and ceaseless bombard.
In winter, it absorb solar heat energy as solar panel, and form heat barrier in the hollow area to prevent chilliness;
He felt his limbs growing stiff with the unaccustomed chilliness of the night, and doubted whether he should be able to descend the steps of the scaffold.
In spring, it steals a kiss on my check, in autumn, it caresses my face, in summer, it brings a cool sweet smell, in winter, it cames a crisp chilliness…
At the same time, tea-tree was required the high anti-intimidate, especially high anti-chilliness by virtue of tea region of Henan province located the north of in China.
Sheep overclothes can keep warm and prevent top of staple from insolation weathering and decrease the impurity and dust, increase wool yield and quality especially in chilliness area.
绵羊罩衣可减少被毛中植物杂质及灰尘含量,防止毛丛顶端的日光风化,提高羊毛生长速度及羊毛品质,增加净毛产量。 在较冷地区还有御寒保暖作用。
Saltiness lowers the temperature at which water freezes. This means seasonal salty liquid water could exist in mid-latitude regions of Mars, despite the chilliness of the planet's ‘warm’ season.
Saltiness lowers the temperature at which water freezes. This means seasonal salty liquid water could exist in mid-latitude regions of Mars, despite the chilliness of the planet's 'warm' season.
At the end of the night, Kanye West appeared to share the stage on "All of the Lights" and "Run This Town," two songs of his Rihanna sings on, and for which her trademark chilliness is a good fit.
演唱会结束时,Kanye West和蕾哈娜同台演唱了他的两首歌“Allofthe Lights所有灯光”和“RunThisTown经营这个小镇”,这两首歌和蕾哈娜标志性的冷酷相得益彰。
At the end of the night, Kanye West appeared to share the stage on "All of the Lights" and "Run This Town," two songs of his Rihanna sings on, and for which her trademark chilliness is a good fit.
演唱会结束时,Kanye West和蕾哈娜同台演唱了他的两首歌“Allofthe Lights所有灯光”和“RunThisTown经营这个小镇”,这两首歌和蕾哈娜标志性的冷酷相得益彰。