Analysis of radiation in 1963, proposed triangulation method is the first one to write specification invented by the Chinese approach.
It is not hard to sympathize with Chinese planners in this, but that does nothing to suspend questions about the wisdom of their approach or to allay fears about the consequences.
The Chinese aim to maximise scores by carefully weighing the difficulty of any given move against its risk – an approach that has already yielded high difficulty scores in recent competitions.
Pharmaceutical companies are interested in traditional Chinese medicine but take a typically Western approach - trying to identify the active ingredients of traditional herbal treatments.
That sounds true to a rising number of young and well-educated Chinese parents, who have begun to adopt a new parenting method largely inspired by the Western approach.
To test the idea, the researchers took the following approach: 84 students at a Chinese university were divided into two groups.
One approach, used by Shenzhen SiBiono GeneTech, a Chinese company, is to replace broken tumour-suppressor genes with the correct version.
Second, there is such an approach in traditional Chinese medical therapy, that is, dynamic adjustment and trial and error.
This comprehensive approach can be considered as one of the best practices which can be replicated by other Chinese cities." said Hiroaki Suzuki, World Bank Task Manager for the Project.
The approach is best summed up in the Chinese phrase “pai ma pi” – “slapping the horse’s rear”.
One approach is to allow users to draw Chinese characters with a finger or a stylus.
This contrast between French romance and Chinese sentiment makes me wonder - what then is the American approach to love?
They have Chinese teachers and they have their teaching approach, because they are big classes.
An approach paper has been posted online for public review in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Spanish, and Russian, together with background papers in English.
Chinese manufacturers' marketing approach is tailored to the local market, with the at-times blunt messages about wealth and success that play well here, such as Chery's choice of name, Riich.
There's no question that many Chinese were willing to accept the need to show a united face to the world in the approach to the Olympics.
Tu's institute, the institute of Chinese Materia Medica, was assigned to work on the second approach.
At GM, we are pursuing our traditional approach by providing Chinese consumers with locally engineered and manufactured cars and trucks.
We need a much more tolerant approach, and Chinese culture and Vedanta both provide models for that.
The experimental results prove: the approach can detect efficiently the approximately duplicate Chinese database records.
The US approach is being spurred, in part, by lawmakers' complaints that Obama's efforts to win Chinese cooperation have failed, said the AP report.
这篇稿件认为美国目前采取的措施在一定程度上是因为议员们抱怨奥巴马上任第一 年中对中国采取的低姿态并没有为他赢得在某些问题上美国亟需的来自北京的合作。
Probably the contrast between Chinese and Western is the best approach to understand Chinese history features.
The approach of the 2008 Olympic Games stimulated Chinese people's zeal for English.
The approach of the 2008 Olympic Games stimulated Chinese people's zeal for English.