As a Chinese language teaching, is a diversified teaching discipline.
The analysis of deep structure is beneficial to Chinese language teaching for foreigner.
Unit teaching model in junior middle school Chinese language teaching is my personal experience.
Section IV The implementation to the family-member-loving education in Chinese language teaching.
Outside reading played a very important role in Chinese language teaching to hearing-impaired students.
The functional teaching method is a new form of experimental teaching reform in the Chinese Language teaching.
The writing teaching has always been the weak spot of Chinese language teaching despite its important role in it.
This thesis intends to envisage the application of group work studies in Chinese language teaching in primary schools.
The essay describes how to use this strategy in Chinese language teaching to train students and improve their ideation.
The second task is to solve the problem how to carry out the creative ancient Chinese language teaching with cultural colors.
The development of Internet and maturity of multimedia technology bring Chinese language teaching with new thinking and prospect.
In addition to imparting knowledge and training abilities, Chinese language teaching should put more emphasis on humanistic care.
The Chinese language teaching belong to the second language teaching, have it the characteristics and the regulation of the oneself.
The idea of CLT is ardently advocated these days by Chinese language teaching experts, however, its implementation remains a problem.
The Chinese real number expression (CRNE) is of special importance in the fields of Chinese language teaching and machine translation.
On the high stage of Chinese language teaching, we should breakthrough sentence limitation and develop it into a textual teaching methed.
This text expatiated how to infiltrate the morals education in vocation high school teaching from the angle of Chinese Language teaching.
Similarly, as the core of language teaching, sense of language is supposed to occupy the important role in Chinese language teaching in middle schools.
In Traditional Chinese Language Teaching, the weakness of educational reality caused by "man" receive education urgent need to change this state of living.
Composition teaching in Junior high school has been the highlight of Chinese Language teaching. However, the efficiency of composition teaching is not high.
This is not a problem of teaching skills , nor a problem of Chinese language teaching , but an epitome of lack of personality education in the social life .
According to the new Chinese language test format, through studying language knowledge, Chinese language teaching is able to improve students' reading skills.
HSK has been implement formally in Xinjiang university on 1998. As a standard of Chinese, HSK bring heavy influence on Chinese language teaching and learning.
So Chinese language teaching should possess the artistic characteristics of literature in order to realize the aestheticism and excellence of classroom teaching.
As the key period of personality development is in the high school, Chinese language teaching has special condition and significance to the personality education.
This article emphatically relates Aristotle's logical ideology to Chinese language teaching of today so as to find Aristotle's logical ideology's elicitation and leading.
High cost with low efficiency is a serious problem in the present Chinese character teaching, which deeply affects the efficiency and quality of Chinese language teaching.
High cost with low efficiency is a serious problem in the present Chinese character teaching, which deeply affects the efficiency and quality of Chinese language teaching.