P. decomposita was not related to the origination of Chinese tree peony.
This is a monograph related to Chinese tree peony cultivars and the cultivars' resources.
For many years, Mr. Jia has been engaged in Chinese patinting during his spare time. He is good at patinting Chinese plum, orchid, chrysanthemum, peony, landscape and etc. with fresh style.
The main ingredients include white peony root, ass-hide gelatin, schisandra, ophiopogon root, wolfberry fruit and other eight kinds of Chinese medicinal materials.
其主要成分为炒白芍、阿胶、五味子、麦冬、 火麻仁、枸杞子、蝉蜕、全蝎、生地黄、龟板、生牡蛎、生鳖甲、鸡子黄。
Romeo and Juliet and The Peony Pavilion are cla ssic dramas of love in western literature and Chinese literature .
See, the popular author of "Snow Flower and the Secret Fan, " uses the Chinese opera "The Peony Pavilion" as a trellis for her clinging vine of a story.
The Peony Pavilion, a classic of Chinese literature, is a masterpiece written by Tang Xianzu, a famous dramatist in the Ming dynasty and known as "the Oriental Shakespeare".
The peony regards as in the Chinese tradition consciousness thriving, the happy peace symbol.
Method: To identify the Yulan magnolia flower bub, white peony root, chinese thorowax root in the prescription by TLC and observe the therapy effect.
The main ingredients include ass-hide gelatin, angelica, angelica, white peony root, dogwood and other ten kinds of Chinese medicinal materials.
其主要成分为阿胶、当归、白芍、 怀山药、山茱萸、巴戟天、枸杞子、杜仲、女贞子、菟丝子、制首乌、桑寄生、石 斛、山萸肉、炙甘草。
The main ingredients include rehmannia root, garden burnet, bupleurum root, white peony root, tuckahoe and other four kinds of Chinese medicinal materials.
其主要成分为生地、地榆、柴胡、白芍、茯苓、白术、 炒栀子、黄芩、侧柏叶。
"Peony Pavilion" delicate and beautiful without losing the language of nature, is a fine Chinese opera literature.
Kunqu Opera the Peony Pavilion is the peak work in Chinese dramatic history and is the play that can bring the delicacy and romance of Kunqu Opera into full play.
Kunqu Opera the Peony Pavilion is the peak work in Chinese dramatic history and is the play that can bring the delicacy and romance of Kunqu Opera into full play.