Stroke order demonstration of Chinese word by animation step by step to help beginners master it easily.
Foreign students studying Chinese can expect to write hours of characters, over and over again, locking in the stroke order so that every character can eventually be recognized with a single glance.
The present invention features that it utilizes comprehensively the forward stroke order pairs and the reverse stroke order pairs or special codes in encoding Chinese characters and words.
Can grasp Chinese character stroke, the stroke order and the writing rules, may carry on the transcription and the simple dictation of Chinese characters.
Pre-kindergarten through first grade children learn the Zhuyin Fuhao system of phonetic symbols and then study traditional Chinese characters, mastering stroke order and penmanship.
Pre-kindergarten through first grade children learn the Zhuyin Fuhao system of phonetic symbols and then study traditional Chinese characters, mastering stroke order and penmanship.