Wang is a very common Chinese surname.
The whole book is written in English, with several Chinese surname tables.
My Chinese surname is Teng which sets me apart from others with different family name.
Yan is a Chinese surname Jiang tribal leaders in ancient times, Hill's strong numbers or Lishan Shi, located in Yellow River, Weihe River area.
Zhang spoke on condition of only being identified by his surname and English first name instead of his full Chinese name.
Traditionally, the father's family name is the first choice for a Chinese kid's surname, although the use of the mother's name is not uncommon.
Thee woman from Shanghai, known only by her surname Fan, leaned too far forward from a ship deck and fell overboard, according to Chinese media.
据中国媒体报道,这名女子姓范,来自上海,由于从甲板上向外伸出太远不慎掉入了海中。 。
Surname's origins can be traced back to the human primitive society matriarchal system period, so many Chinese ancient surname is beside the female characters or.
This paper attempts to probe into the cultural implications in aspect of Chinese and English surname and given names respectively, and discusses on the social elements hidden behind them.
Chinese people who had reason to talk to foreigners, and approval to do so, introduced themselves by surname only.
Chinese people who had reason to talk to foreigners, and approval to do so, introduced themselves by surname only.