The optimal conditions for synthesis of alkali green 4 include the carbamide and zinc chloride as catalyst, chloranil and bichrome.
The optimal conditions for synthesis of alkali green 4 are reported, including the carbamide and zinc chloride as catalyst, chloranil and bichrome as oxidation agent in the acetic acid medium.
The charge transfer interactions of dobutamine with p benzoquinone and chloranil were investigated in ethanol medium, the reactions of Dobutamine with p benzoquinone and chloranil are complete.
在实验中我们观察到苯酚羟化反应中不仅有苯醌生成 ,而且生成的苯醌还能促进羟化反应 。
The charge transfer interactions of dobutamine with p benzoquinone and chloranil were investigated in ethanol medium, the reactions of Dobutamine with p benzoquinone and chloranil are complete.
在实验中我们观察到苯酚羟化反应中不仅有苯醌生成 ,而且生成的苯醌还能促进羟化反应 。