The consumer-products unit will be led by Choi Gee-sung, who has been president of the company's cellphone operation for the last two years and led the TV and video business before that.
消费产品分部将由崔志成(Choi Gee-sung)领导。 崔志成在过去两年中担任三星电子手机业务部总裁,之前负责电视和视频设备业务。
The consumer-products unit will be led by Choi Gee-sung, who has been president of the company's cellphone operation for the last two years and led the TV and video business before that.
消费产品分部将由崔志成(Choi Gee-sung)领导。 崔志成在过去两年中担任三星电子手机业务部总裁,之前负责电视和视频设备业务。