With that in mind, Google today is announcing a couple new rules for its Chrome extensions, themes, and soon, apps.
Many of these Chrome extensions can help you increase your productivity and enable you to perform your jobs easier and faster.
What Chrome extensions, user scripts, or other tools do you use to make your browser not only fast, but skilled at avoiding time-wasting roadblocks?
A small ecosystem of Chrome extensions is already growing up around Chrome, even though only a small number of Chrome users are currently able to use them.
When it launches later this year, the Web Store will act much like the Chrome Extensions Gallery and allow users to "install" applications in their browser.
The latest developer builds of Google Chrome enable extensions by default, add support for skins, and even improve compatibility with Windows 7.
Is that because Chrome does not support extensions?
The company also announced the availability of UK specific "extensions", which add new functionality to Chrome.
The Chrome web Store is loaded with web apps, themes, extensions and collections.
Google just released a new stable version of Chrome for Windows PCs that includes two of the most frequently requested features: extensions and bookmark sync.
A fresh instance of Chrome will open, ready to be customized with its own set of apps, bookmarks, extensions, and other Settings.
Vafai also noted that Google intends to support add-ons, "like the Firefox extensions and Greasemonkey scripts, and we intend to do both of those with Google Chrome."
Vafai也提到Google打算支持“添加”,“如Firefoxe扩展和Greasemonkey脚本,我们也打算在Google Chrome做这两件事情。”
We're proud of the Chrome browser and the great extensions that its developer community has created, and we hope you enjoy them!
Extensions are improved with the introduction of 'preference pages' (a la Chrome).
Extensions areimprovedwiththeintroductionof‘preferencepages’(a la Chrome)。
With that in mind, and considering that most of you are web designers or in a related field, we thought it would be a good idea to show you some extensions for Chrome that you might find useful.
Extensions for Google Chrome can now send out desktop notifications.
Chrome shows this warning for all extensions that interact with browser tabs, even if they do not access any private data - please see the FAQ.
Extensions can only remove resources after they are loaded, not stop Chrome from fetching them.
Extensions can only remove resources after they are loaded, not stop Chrome from fetching them.