There are no national restrictions for applying salt to roadways, but in 1988 the EPA issued a report defining chronic and acute thresholds for chloride toxicity in streams and rivers.
Objective: To observe the chronic toxicity in the intraoral of administration of compound povidone iodine (CPI) on rats.
Since the chronic toxicity and carcinogenic character of chemo-synthetic pigments been discovered, the exploitation of the inartificial vegetable pigments was gradually paid attention to.
Objective:The study was to observe the acute and chronic toxicity of Tea Polyphenols .
It is realized recently that renal toxicity, even acute or chronic renal failure, may be induced by some of Chinese medicinal herbs.
Objective: To observe the acute and chronic renal toxicity induced by Radix Aristolochiae Fangchi Extract(RAFE) in different doses in rats.
Toxicity of the drug was not observed in acute or chronic toxicity tests.
Methods Toxicology studies included acute toxicity test, accumulated toxicity test and sub chronic toxicity test.
Objective: to observe the effects of total flavone of Ampelopsis Grossedentata from Guangxi (GXTF) on the rat chronic toxicity test.
However, a constant proportion of organs were lost every year due to chronic allograft rejection and immunosuppressive drug toxicity.
ConclusionRujiean capsule is safe to be used in clinical practice and had no acute and chronic toxicity.
These services include acute, subchronic and chronic toxicity for the safety of agrochemicals, pharmaceuticals, and chemicals industries.
Methods: the ECG of 120 patients with chronic alcohol toxicity in accordance with CCMD-2 were measured, and the results of which were compared with those of 90 persons under normal health examination.
方法:对符合CCMD - 2关于慢性酒精中毒诊断标准患者120例进行心电图检测,并与90例正常人体检心电图对照。
Conclusion Comparatively chronic use of TP may impose toxicity on the adrenal cortex of rats and the toxic effect appears associated with temporal rhythm.
Objective to study the chronic oral (6-mon th feeding) toxicity ofd - trans-allethrin.
To study the acute and sub-chronic toxicity and mutagenicity of the Tridemorph pesticide and evaluate its safety.
Standard toxicological assessments indicate no significant acute or chronic toxicity from PC, as well as no mutagenicity and no teratogenicity.
Objective:To observe the effects of total flavone of Ampelopsis Grossedentata from Guangxi(GXTF) on the rat chronic toxicity test.
目的 :观察广西藤茶总黄酮对大鼠长期毒性试验的影响。
Sub-chronic toxicity experiments show that crude oil vapor has a prominent effect on animal's nerve system.
Objective: to probe into the physical and chemical property, biology activity, acute and chronic toxicity of low molecular weight natural tumor suppressor (LMW NTS) of fetal bovine hepatocytes.
To explore the sub-chronic toxicity of pdibutalin and the largest ineffective dosage, and provide sufficient toxicological data for long-term toxicological experiments.
RESULTS: We did not get LD50 to mouse and rat, and no chronic toxicity to rabbit skin.
RESULTS: We did not get LD50 to mouse and rat, and no chronic toxicity to rabbit skin.