Objective To study and analyze the significance of the changes of plasma level of neuropeptide (NPY) in the patients with chronic hepatic disease.
目的:观察慢性肝脏疾病患者血浆神经肽y (npy)水平变化及其与病变程度和预后的关系。
We examined 68 patients with chronic hepatic disease and 30 healthy persons by RIAin order to discuss the relationship between the EDF and chronic hepatic disease.
Results:The features of chronic liver disease changes in Doppler waveform of the hepatic veins remained stable.
The abnormal differentiation of T-cell subsets in chronic hepatic B, lowering of CD4, and rise of CD8, can serve as an index for observing the disease state.
Objective To observe the effects of Xiaoxian prescription on hepatic fibrosis and related index of chronic liver disease.
Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease(NAFLD) is a kind of chronic liver disease, whose spectrum of the disease includes simple hepar adiposum, steatohepatitis(NASH), hepatic fibrosis, and cirrhosis.
To study the noninvasive diagnosis and sensitivity of hepatic fibrosis in Patients with chronic liver disease.
HBV can usually escape early and late immune response leading to chronic liver disease-chronic hepatitis B, liver cirrhosis, liver failure and hepatic cellular carcinoma.
HBV can usually escape early and late immune response leading to chronic liver disease-chronic hepatitis B, liver cirrhosis, liver failure and hepatic cellular carcinoma.