Occasionally dolphins slap the water with their tails or churn it up in play.
You can apply this same easy and straightforward method to many other possible applications, such as customer value estimation, churn prediction, and up- and cross-sell potential.
By including this in the churn model, the company could then set up processes to trigger immediate action at the first sign of customer discontent.
For example, by comparing code churn from phase to phase, they might spot an underlying problem if the pace picks up in one phase.
Their genetic make-up often changes by mistake when the cells they infect churn out new virus particles.
Bayan al-Zahran, a lawyer in Jeddah, has set up the first female-led law firm, and law faculties in women's colleges churn out fresh attorneys.
Mother adds a spoon of baking-powder in the flour, and then begins to churn it up.
Munching your food then triggers muscle movements which move the food through your digestive tract down to your stomach, where muscles 'churn your chewed up food with digestive juices. '
It warms up, which means it can hold more moisture, and traffic and other activities churn a certain amount of dust and pollutants into it.
I have always avoided infidelity, not only for health reasons, but also because it seems to churn up disruptive and painful emotions.
But if the churn rate in your business is too high, and your customer acquisition efforts aren't keeping pace, you could end up running your business into the ground.
The subscription churn was lower, Ms. Martin said, which "really says the deterioration is slowing, it will hold up earnings longer."
Propellers would let it do those same things, although they'd also churn up much more visibility-limiting silt in the process.
The farmer used a plow to churn up the dirt.
Prepare pot is made up of barrel body, barrel cover, churn oar, feeding throat, cycloidal pinwheel reduction box, bleeder valve and so on.
After that, according to the up-to-date customer churn theory, the requirement analysis, system architecture and module design are made.
After that, according to the up-to-date customer churn theory, the requirement analysis, system architecture and module design are made.