Directed by cinematographer-turned-director Gu Changwei, "Love for life" is a drama exploring how AIDS impacts a rural Chinese village.
He used the same cinematographer, Owen Roizman, to create a dark, intense atmosphere which was very un-American at the time.
I know I said 'When in Gone Ember,' but this old cinematographer could use a drink.
我知道我说了是‘在岗恩伯(Gone Ember)’,但是这个老放映师是能喝的。
Once I heard that Weta Digital was involved and that the man who shot the Lord of the Rings trilogy, Andrew Lesnie, was the cinematographer, I got very interested.
Yu is the regular cinematographer of leading director Jia Zhang-ke.
Occasionally, American Cinematographer would have an effects article with pictures!
Another noted that September 21 is also the birthday of Emily and Zooey's father, Academy Award nominated cinematographer and director Caleb Deschanel.
顺带一说美国时间9月21日还是Emily和Zooey的父亲、奥斯卡最佳摄影提名Caleb Deschanel的生日。
She got up from her seat and said, "Well, this little cinematographer needs to visit the editing room to unreel a spool."
He and his cinematographer, Sven Nykvist, would sit in the hard pews from 11 in the morning till two in the afternoon, watching the light change.
他和摄影师Sven Nykvist从早上11:00至下午两点就一直坐在教堂里的长凳上,观察周围光照的变化。
So cinematographer is very important.
In 1993 Australian Chris Doyle won the Best cinematographer award at the Venice Film Festival for Ashes of Time, and has since become one of the most well-known cinematographers in Asia.
You know the direction, the art design, the cinematographer [cinematography], the performance, you know, and the style of the movie, it was so perfect, so beautiful.
The cinematographer, Linus Sandgren, shot it on film, and the colors, rather than merge into the landscape, seem to burst in your face.
For this movie Orson Welles, along with cinematographer Gregg Toland, pioneered "deep focus", a technique that keeps every object in the foreground, center and background in simultaneous focus.
The cinematographer adds that he typically shot nights and interiors around T2.8, and day exteriors around T8.
摄影师同时补充说他通常使用t 2.8左右的光圈拍摄夜景和内景,日景戏则用T8左右的光圈拍摄。
After graduating, he took behind - the - scenes jobs in movie production, including working as an assistant, cinematographer, and assistant director.
The director sweated out a camera Angle with the cinematographer.
Captured with black and white film, her photography emulates the style of a cinematographer.
The words provide one reason ma has continued to work as a cinematographer even though he made the move up the command chain to become a movie director with Hot War (1998).
Commentary by writer Jeffrey Nachmanoff, cinematographer Ueli Steiger, editor David Brenner, and production designer Barry Chusid.
He had been the 4)cinematographer and while that movie had a free flowing documeturish feel, this one would be even more demanding.
Because of the wonderful arrangement of the cinematographer, even the simple close-ups become rich and lush portrayals of different faces.
Because of the wonderful arrangement of the cinematographer, even the simple close-ups become rich and lush portrayals of different faces.