Under the assumption that the random high-density knapsack problem is infeasible, the proposed schemes are provably secure against ciphertext-only attack.
Because the sensitive data is encrypted, any direct attack on the database file analysis, can only see the ciphertext.
Three are ciphers that can take input plaintexts of large and varying lengths and will output the ith block of the ciphertext after having processed only the first i blocks of the plaintext.
这些加密都可以对输入数据量很大并且长度可变的明文进行加密,但是只有在明文的前 个分组处理完毕后才输出密文的第 个分组。
Three are ciphers that can take input plaintexts of large and varying lengths and will output the ith block of the ciphertext after having processed only the first i blocks of the plaintext.
这些加密都可以对输入数据量很大并且长度可变的明文进行加密,但是只有在明文的前 个分组处理完毕后才输出密文的第 个分组。