Reliability tolerance design is an important part of circuit reliability design.
Also because many functions were implemented within a single IC, the circuit reliability is improved too.
At the same time, the over current and short were adopted to protect circuits and improve circuit reliability.
The design compensate for the instability of software methods to great improved circuit reliability and security.
Operational amplifiers are widely used in circuit design its reliability is of great importance to the performance of circuits.
The reliability in power circuit of inverter is assurance for VFD and other power transfer application.
On the basis of discussing the reliability theory by total distributed control systems, it puts forward the reliability design of series hardware circuit.
Based on this mathematics model, the optimum signal-processing circuit, having high reliability and high stability, is designed and applied to the automatic measurement system of the focusing units.
And it has the features of wide range regulation of voltage, simple circuit, output stability, reliability, excellent interactive interface, being widely used and so on.
This paper introduces signal switchover circuit that transforms voltage signal to current signal in order to improve signal reliability.
The model and method for estimating circuit design reliability by using digital simulation are established. A simulation example of the typical fuze circuit is given in this paper.
It has characteristics of simple circuit, needing few interface lines, high reliability and can perform duplex communication at high speed.
The experimental results prove that the power supply simplifies the circuit, reduces the cost and improves the operation reliability, moreover it is easy to realize and regulate.
During the design of hardware circuits and printed circuit board, we take a series of measures to design the reliability of the system.
Output is short circuit protected to ground, however maximum reliability is obtained if output current does not exceed 160mA.
The charger adopts special charging management chip control, high reliability, fast charging, overcharge protection, short circuit protection, trickle charging status indication.
Produced in Germany sunshine battery electrolyte dry, thermal runaway, early capacity loss, internal short circuit, which seriously affect the reliability of power supply system. Have a data sheet.
The interface circuit may operate without the signal ground connection, but may sacrifice reliability and noise immunity.
Owing to the result of the design is a special arithmetic circuit, no program is run, reliability and stability is better then the designing by CPU.
Reliability of emergent stop circuit of aerial platforms can be raised by using "cut off" stoppage.
IBM PC and single chip microcomputer communication hardware circuit, software interface and measure to improve reliability of communication.
The Intelligent Power Module is been used for power instrument, its inner protect circuit raise reliability of the system.
This network connection card features simple circuit design, higher reliability for information exchange as well as faster information transmission speed.
To ensure the validity and reliability of reversible circuit, fault detection is necessary.
Improvement in emergent stop circuits for hydraulic relief and engine stoppage is introduced in the article, and reliability of the electric circuit is discussed.
The design of high - frequence oscillate circuit can improve the reliability of character of operation and easy maintenance.
Combining single-chip computer and FPGA(field programmable gate grray), makes simple electric circuit, easy control strategy and high reliability.
Compared with original circuit designed with separate components this design is characterized by simple hardware circuit and high reliability, and is easy to be debugged.
This design has simple circuit, high reliability and good value of application.
This design has simple circuit, high reliability and good value of application.