Currently, our industrial cluster is also mainly located in Yangtze Delta, Zhujiang Delta and Circum-Bohai-Sea Region.
Objective To evaluate neck muscular strength(NMS) of the air force pilots and its role in the circum-stance of aerial dynamics.
The thrust earthquakes are mainly distributed on the circum-pacific seismic belt, the Himalaya collision boundary and the Sunda arc.
Our country lies in the circum-Pacific earthquake zones so that there is the widely distributed strong damage earthquake with serious disaster losses.
The distribution stress and deformation, frequency and mode shape is acquired the outline optimization for the circum-shell of Compounding funnel is also studied.
Sorcerer II, Venter's 95-foot sailboat, leaves Halifax, Nova Scotia, on a two-year circum-navigation of the globe in search of new microbial species for DNA sequencing.
The world's greatest earthquake belt, the circum-Pacific seismic belt, is found along the rim of the Pacific Ocean, where about 81 percent of the world's largest earthquakes occur.
And I'm calling on all cloud providers to be ready for those changes and circum-stances when there's this tipping point that enterprises have more information in their clouds than they did before.
Objective: To observe the short-term effect of patients with poly-infarctional vascular dementia (PIVD) treated by CT positioning scalp circum-needling (SCN) combined with Chinese herbal medicine.
And yet we all know people who are filled with joy, despite the unpleasant circum stances of their lives.
Mesozoic volcanic rocks are widely distributed in the East of China, which is an important part of the Circum Pacific volcanic zone.
T stage, histological differentiation, and circum wall involvement degree are important influential factors of lymphatic metastasis intensity.
The continental margin belts both in eastern Asia and in western North America are located at the same circum Pacific tectonic zone, but they are of different tectonic framework.
No age or time of life, no position or circum stance, has a monopoly on success. Any age is the right age to start doing!
A series of fortuitous circum stance s advanced her career.
Taihangshan orogen, called tectonomagmatic belt by most of geologists, is thought to be a part of Mesozoic circum Pacific magmatic arc.
The company has opened an office abroad in order to circum vent our tax laws.
Circum -pohai belt had happened red seedling disease of rice large acreage in 2005.
The Yunkai Block, extended in southern Guangxi and western Guangdong, is located in the intersection area of the Tethyan and the circum Pacific tectonic zones.
One can't wield Power without perfect mastery of circum - stance.
The method have more advantage in reducing the calculation time and improving the filter accuracy under the circum stance of high order dynamic model.
This paper discussed generally conception and the characteristic of international hot money and analysed the entering channels of international hot money under the different circum…
This paper discussed generally conception and the characteristic of international hot money and analysed the entering channels of international hot money under the different circum…