Intel's 80x86 family is the quintessential example of CISC.
It is designed to provide clock distribution for CISC microprocessors single processor RISC systems.
In fact, most modern CISC processors actually translate their instructions to an internalized RISC format for efficiency.
With the practical situation of ironstone resource utilization in CISC, linear programming is adopted for the optimization model.
In the 70s of 20th century, for example, memory was measured in kilobytes and was very expensive. CISC was the dominant approach because it conserved memory.
It has been found that the major limitations of typical 8-bit MCU are the ALU structure based on accumulator and the CISC architecture adopted in MCS-51 design.
The other main type of processor architecture, CISC (the x86 processor being a popular CISC instruction set), allows for memory access in nearly every instruction.
另外一种主要的处理器体系结构CISC (x86处理器就是一种流行的CISC指令集)几乎允许在每条指令中进行内存访问。
One of the key problems in CISC microprocessor design is the microprogramming design, which makes great effort to the CISC microprocessor research and development.
CISC means complex instruction set: a large collection of instructions, some of which perform sophisticated operations that might be typical of high-level language.
While complex instructions have many pitfalls, a small number of carefully selected complex instructions can usefully increase the performance of both CISC and RISC processors.
It has been found out that the key factors of affecting its performance are the ALU structure based on accumulator, the CISC architecture and the time of executing instructions.
In many revolutions of the computer techniques, the most significant one is the transmission from Complex Instruction Set computer (CISC) to Reduced Instruction Set computer (RISC) architecture.
The article deals with the current analysis and risk evaluation of CISC (Chongqing Iron and Steel Company)'s information internet security under the opening systematic co-action secure structure.
本文论述了开放系统互联安全体系 结构下的重钢信息网络安全现状分析和风险评估;
The article deals with the current analysis and risk evaluation of CISC (Chongqing Iron and Steel Company)'s information internet security under the opening systematic co-action secure structure.
本文论述了开放系统互联安全体系 结构下的重钢信息网络安全现状分析和风险评估;