A series of tax breaks and low royalties would mean, the committee found, that Israeli citizens would do poorly out of their country's natural resources by international standards.
The comments presented by the various agencies, organizations and citizens shall be submitted to the office of operation of the Standing Committee.
The party who brings the suit, the representative of the election committee and other citizens concerned must participate in the proceedings.
The National Anti-terrorism Committee said the three men were Russian citizens, who they believed had been trained in Afghanistan or Pakistan.
Participation of key major public engagement, civic meeting, the advisory Committee, the civic investigation, launched by the citizens of contact, consultation and mediation, etc.
She also said that an inter - ministerial coordinating committee has also been formed to enforce the law to ensure citizens' right to health.
She also said that an inter - ministerial coordinating committee has also been formed to enforce the law to ensure citizens' right to health.