You have a nice grid pattern and you can use a city block metric to add up the number of blocks between people's doors.
To most everybody else it is just another house on just another block in just another city in just another financial catastrophe.
Lined with about a dozen 18th century homes, Little Green Street only stretches a city block in length, but has survived the Blitz in World War II and three centuries of construction.
But a city block, or rather a map of a city block, like this would seem more comfortable to the eye. Our brains can process the information much quicker.
If a machine's hostname is the equivalent of a city block, the port number is an individual street address.
City skyscrapers block wireless signals, and office workers using cellphones at their desks clog networks originally designed for people on the go.
We purposely picked a home that was a block away from the train stop and has bus lines that are within feet of our front door. We can get anywhere in this city easily.
Now we have the appalling spectacle of City brokers and merchant bankers block-booking seats in cinemas for their staff outings. God save us.
The state provided a block of houses for the tomb workers on the outskirts of the city of Amarna.
On a vacant city block behind the SWFC (1, 614 feet), construction has begun on a rival Chinese-financed skyscraper.
City traffic engineer Joe Olson said traffic engineers plan to update the city's Opticon system this year to block unauthorized light-changing signals.
ONE reason why traffic is so appalling in Mexico City is that drivers routinely block others from crossing road junctions rather than miss the chance to edge forward before the lights change.
Seven fire companies and several city swimming pools are on the chopping block.
At the distance of a short city block stood the train station perched in darkness on the edge of the ravine, while below the tracks were illuminated in the amber glow of vapor lamps.
White noise is helpful to block out ambient noises (particularly prevalent in a big city) — and it's perfectly safe to listen as long as the volume isn't cranked up too loudly.
Rising high through the polluted air of Guangzhou City in southern China is a 71-storey tower block which, according to its designers, will be the most energy-efficient in the world.
She looks at you as the cab goes a whole city block, not saying a word.
Now you can hardly walk a city block without passing a coffee shop.
They are placed at the corners of the block, allowing for the pedestrian to stroll through a calm, protected garden filled with low vegetation, as if outside of the city.
In concepcion, a city of 700,000 people, 115km from the quake's source, a 15-storey block of flats collapsed, trapping 100 people, and a biochemical laboratory at the city university caught fire.
When I was a little girl, we lived in New York City just down the block from my grandparents.
Occupying an entire city block in the Upper East Side neighbourhood, the castle-like, five-storey brick building was designed by the American architect Charles Clinton and was dedicated in 1880.
City regulations, he claims, would give him the power to block construction.
Crowd farming, they have discovered that the human energy that can be harnessed on one city block is enough to power a train.
This paper is to discuss the design and principle of the public Spaces in historical block city from the lost public Spaces on Dazhimen railway station and surrounding area in Hankow.
Not bad! White noise is helpful to block out ambient noises (particularly prevalent in a big city) — and it's perfectly safe to listen as long as the volume isn't cranked up too loudly.
The 400,000 square foot, 10-story courthouse resides in a garden setting on a level terrace encompassing the entire city block including an existing, historic Federal Courthouse.
The 400,000 square foot, 10-story courthouse resides in a garden setting on a level terrace encompassing the entire city block including an existing, historic Federal Courthouse.