John Donahue at Harvard's Kennedy School points out that the norms of culture in Western civil services suit those who want to stay put but are bad for high achievers.
If an employee opens fire at work, worries Irwin Stotzky of the University of Miami, the employer could be held responsible in a civil suit.
In the aftermath of their arrest, the Gadhafi couple filed a civil suit against the Geneva police.
But realistically, in the United States, this dispute would have yielded a civil suit, not a criminal action — since, in practice, state prosecutors leave these matters for civil actions.
And that civil suit, as I will explain, would have been unsuccessful.
And Ms Diallo has launched a civil suit against him, which does not preclude his return to France but could hang over him for months.
To start a civil suit the plaintiff first picks the proper court, one that has jurisdiction in the case.
A civil damages suit is expected to follow.
The photos were to have been released by May 28th, after the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and others filed a freedom-of-information suit and won.
Goldman has denied wrongdoing, and the suit, in any case, is a civil one.
Suit for the breach of a civil duty must be brought by the person wronged.
The content includes some principles and methods about the civil suit of public benefit.
For instance, a person whose drunken driving causes the death of another may force both a criminal prosecution by the state and a civil suit for damages by the survivors of the victim.
Damage, injury, or a wrongful act done willfully, negligently, or in circumstances involving strict liability, but not involving breach of contract, for which a civil suit can be brought.
Including the concept of the public interest, the concept and the characteristic of the civil suit of public interest.
The second part of the article is the general idea of establishing civil suit of public benefit .
第二部分提出建立我国民事公益诉讼制度的总体思路。 首先阐述的是建立民事公益诉讼的必要性。
To start a civil suit the plaintiff first picks the proper court, one the has jurisdiction in the case.
The civil suit has great value and significance in the theory, system and practice of civil action.
During amending the civil Procedure Law, we should correctly stipulate the territorial jurisdiction of civil environmental suit.
If the shareholder derivative suit want to be arrive the real enforcement, it depend on the design of civil procedure.
Proof system stands a natural core position in the system of civil law suit, but the responsibility for proof is the core in this system.
Two poker players singled out are Howard Lederer and Chris Ferguson, whose names were brought to light in a civil suit last year as having an ownership stake in the company.
In the adversary litigation pattern, the parties are the subject of civil procedure, who are entitled to argue and dispose of their own benefit through some suit actions.
Forthly, in a narrow sense, criminal summary procedure includes procedure of civil suit collateral to criminal proceedings, a special form which civil action doesn't have.
Environmental public interests suit can be divided into environmental public interests civil suit, executive suit and prosecution.
The parties were at suit in the civil court of justice.
The target of the suit theory is one of the core questions in civil law procedure of civil law system.
This book is a system studies civil suit is basic the composing of the problem.
The public welfare law suit is the action to protect public social interests. In essence, it belongs to the category of civil suit.
The civil suit can be useful if injunctions are being sought or damages claimed for the cases of patent, trademark, and copyright infringement and domain name disputes.