Article 49 any citizen, legal person and any other organization may become a party to a civil action.
MBO in China is a special civil legal action, which is adjusted by civil law and economic law, with thick administrative color.
BUT, the owner of the yellow car will want compensation for the damage to their car and will start legal action using CIVIL LAW.
There is a pair of concepts, legal transaction and legal action, caused confusion easily, in Civil Law of German.
Court Legal mediation System plays a vital role in the civil action practice of China. In judicatory practice, a lot of civil and economic cases are solved through mediation.
The civil action litigants substantially legal procedure participation is the synthesis between the doctrine of controversy and the doctrine of punishment right in the civil action.
To infringe the right to life and health as a cause of action 2. Can been urging people to drink on a man made civil compensation 3. The drinks upon infringement of a person as a legal basis.
To infringe the right to life and health as a cause of action 2. Can been urging people to drink on a man made civil compensation 3. The drinks upon infringement of a person as a legal basis.