This is the problem that civil priority right system should solve.
The kind of civil priority right is the key issues for establishing our priority right system.
The civil priority right sequence is another key issue in civil priority right system, because it is related to the issue, that is, how to realize the rights of the involving preferred creditors.
Civil priority is the kind of right that when many civil rights with different types in the same property become concurrent, the law directly regulates specific civil right to exercise in prior.
The priority of special obligatory right is a kind of civil right with nature of guaranty, having its unique scope and affirmative principle.
Section II of the project under construction based on civil rights, including the right to Mortgages, expectant right and the project contractor Priority rights and so on.
Section II of the project under construction based on civil rights, including the right to Mortgages, expectant right and the project contractor Priority rights and so on.