Yet class categories remain surprisingly resilient, which seems to fly in the face of recent economic reality.
Within this range there are 1200 sub products from the beautiful Pink series. There are other special class categories, such as Colour make-up, Hairdressing and Beauty Equipment.
Moreover, each red ant has the characteristics that pertain to each of its ancestor categories. For example, red ants have six legs, which is one of the defining characteristics of the class Insecta.
Most people who are doing poorly in a math class fall into three main categories.
The company polled 2,000 drivers, broken into four categories: drivers of economy cars, midsize, sport-utility vehicles and luxury (like BMW 7-series of Mercedes m Class).
It discussed the core concepts of creating categories and rule specification in the plugin.xml file, and then described how to write a class to create a basic rule.
本文讨论了在plugin . xml文件中创建种类和规则规范的核心概念,然后描述了如何编写一个类来创建一个基础规则。
You can classify all the Python classes below the PyObject class into four main categories that the Python run-time interpreter USES.
In a production environment, the CategoryData helper class can be replaced by an entity bean representing the categories.
There are two main categories of configuration information required: WebSphere MQ configuration information and Data Binding class specification.
There are three categories of terms that contribute to data object name contents: prime words, class words, and modifiers (also called qualifiers) as described in the Data element naming standard.
有三类词汇组成了数据对象名称的内容:基本单词(primeword)、类单词(class word)和修饰词(modifier),修饰词也称为限定词(qualifier),详细描述参见Dataelementnamingstandard。
With the ProductsBLL class complete, we still need to add the classes for working with categories, suppliers, and employees.
Unlike regular categories, a class extension can add its own properties and instance variables to a class. If you declare a property in a class extension, like this.
The categories where things have changed are Class II and III, where the studies have shown that there is evidence now that Class II and even Class I receive benefit.
Structure of safety grade two, refractory categories for the class, grade two, building seismic fortification intensity is 7 degrees.
Exhibitor categories include: machinery 46, fastener 94, bearings, springs class 25, class 18 mechanical and electrical equipment, mold class 9, and others 22.
Our ProductsController Controller class is the one that actually retrieves the list of Categories from the database - not the View.
Welcome in need of such products, hardware accessories factory, shoes and apparel categories factory, jewelry class factory, decoration companies, etc. come to visit.
At present, "Jin" plate series of products, mainly biscuits, bread, pastries, deep-fried over a hundred kinds of class four categories.
This engineering production categories for c class, architectural fireproof rank for level (the explosion-proof).
The false interactions can be sorted two categories. One is that there isn't not only any response in hearts but also any external and formal interactions between the teacher and students in class.
Our products are generally points, four categories: insects, cereals, mixed type, pet supplies class.
Unlike regular categories, a class extension can add its own properties and instance variables to a class.
Thee awards run the gamut from 73 categories from best economy class onboard catering to best airline staff to best seats to best cabin cleanliness.
该奖项涵盖范围非常广,包括最佳的经济舱体验、最贴心的空乘服务体验、最舒适的座位体验和最好的机舱清洁度等73个类别。 。
Semi-skilled and unskilled labour, the two less expensive categories of construction crew in India, assist mason class I and mason class II.
There are also categories that have the same name that describes the problem and the class of algorithm such as Regression and Clustering.
Despite this striking change, when they are asked to place themselves in a class, Brits in 2006 huddle in much the same categories as they did when they were asked in 1949.
The on-going technologies on reducing OFDM signal PARP can be generally divided into three categories: limiting class technologies, encoding techniques and signal scrambler technologies.
This article investigates some Chinese EFL learners perceptions of twenty activities in oral English class that fall into three categories.
This article investigates some Chinese EFL learners perceptions of twenty activities in oral English class that fall into three categories.