An indexer introduced in a class or struct hides all base class indexers with the same signature.
For this example (Figure 4), you will model a read-only indexer (thus it has only a get accessor) in the DrawingSurface class.
The indexer implements IPDOMIndexer, but its class depends on the user's CDT preferences.
该索引器实现 IPDOMIndexer,但其类依赖于用户的CDT 首选项。
Properties and indexers on a class can define extra accessors for a property or indexer defined on an interface.
Properties and indexers of a class can define extra accessors for a property or indexer defined on an interface.
The indexer notation not only simplifies the syntax for client applications; it also makes the class and its purpose more intuitive for other developers to understand.
The indexer notation not only simplifies the syntax for client applications; it also makes the class and its purpose more intuitive for other developers to understand.