Lazikou this an extremely fierce battle, has long been used as a classic examples of loaded long history.
You can find classic examples of dystopian fiction in comics, short stories, novels, cartoons and movies.
In the nineteen seventies, a record producer urged Willie Nelson to record these classic examples of western swing.
These attempts to make something unpleasant look more attractive which, despite our best efforts, are decidedly unsuccessful, are classic examples of lipstick on a pig.
Classic examples are the vertical edges of walls running in alignment with the sides of television screens and the edges of ceilings being parallel to those of table tops and cabinets.
When James Surowiecki wrote the Wisdom of Crowds in 2004, he explored the stock market and other classic social psychology examples, but "web 2.0" was still nascent.
当JamesSurowiecki(索罗斯基)2004年写《群众的智慧》(The Wisdom of Crowds)的时候,他探讨了股票市场和其他社会心理学的经典例子,但“web 2.0”仍然是新生事物。
These 15 examples highlight these visions of retrofuturistic space flight and the dreams of what could be including, of course, some classic babes in space.
Assembly language of some small examples, including a detailed explanation, is a classic.
This is the classic of this data structure on the third edition of the book with examples.
This is a curve drawn using data of the classic examples, I hope useful for all of us.
Its abundance of colorful maps, strong engaging and opening cases, and classic and contemporary examples provide a balanced approach to all functions of business.
After its publication, the novel attained a classic status, becoming one of the best known and most controversial examples of 20th century literature.
After its publication, the novel attained a classic status, becoming one of the best known and most controversial examples of 20th century literature.