The government uses a classification system that includes both race and ethnicity.
The classification system is now complete and should look like Figure 8 above.
The creation of the attribute classification system establishes an easier way to add new attributes without having to perform major code revisions.
A very helpful tool to define this dimension is a service classification system.
The simplest, but also the most costly way of isolating solution components from each other is to put them on separate hardware, typically according to a defined classification system.
His classification system now Numbers eight kinds of intelligence.
You also created a classification system and finally exported the WSRR configuration profile directly into a WSRR server and activated it.
我们还创建了一个分类系统,最终将这个WSRR配置概要文件直接导出到 WSRR服务器并激活它。
Criteria of this classification system are outlined later in this article.
Can anyone else list for me the six kingdoms of the scientific classification system?
An ontology is a classification system.
When you define a classification system, take in account all stakeholders' opinions and try to have a consistent approach to categorizing data, even through the many challenges.
Supervised learning is fairly common in classification problems because the goal is often to get the computer to learn a classification system that we have created.
Check WSRR to see whether the classification system has been synchronized.
It adopts the economic classification system Shared by the United States and Canada, breaking the economy down into 750 different activities, rather than 362 as before.
He called for research into the physical causes of mental illness and established the foundations of the modern classification system for mental disorders.
The industry is still attempting to come up with a classification system that everyone agrees with.
Old and new names for classes in the classification system.
To see an example of this, look at how the DC classification system is used within the RDF XML schema to describe the content of an RDF entity, such as a Web site (see Listing 10).
While any valid OWL document can be used as a Classification system, at this point in time Registry and Repository exploits only a small subset of the expressiveness of OWL.
虽然任何有效的OWL文档都可用作分类系统,但目前Registry andRepository中仅利用了OWL表达能力的一个很小子集。
Classification system creation dialog inputs.
Click on the name of the new classification system (TestingClassification in this example) and the following Properties window opens.
This is the idea of Carl Linneas who in the 1750s came up with the classification system we still use today for plants and animals.
Annotation.Classification: Where this learning object falls within a particular classification system.
Namespace: Uncheck Default to allow a namespace to be entered, then specify the namespace you want to use for the life cycle and the classification system that will be used to represent it.
The Asset Manager classification system contains a set of category schemas. Each category schema contains a set of related terms.
Still, China's loan-classification system gives lenders an unusually long period of grace before recognising losses.
The purpose of advertising is to build a meaning domain to endow commodity with meanings so as to determine its position in social classification system.
In spite of that, Dewey is currently the most widely used classification system in the world, employed in 138 countries by over 200,000 libraries.
In spite of that, Dewey is currently the most widely used classification system in the world, employed in 138 countries by over 200, 000 libraries.
Theoretically speaking, the context system is still open, even a number of temporary context factors also can find the corresponding destination in the classification system.