The Carboniferous reservoirs are mainly volcanic rock and volcanic clastic rock.
There is a close relation between the terrigenous clastic rock and the plate tectonics.
The reservoirs in Permian is consist of carbonate rock, tuff, clastic rock and volcanic rock.
Alkali mafic subvolcanic body occurring in Bijiashan-Tongdongwan consists of clastic rock and lava.
There was a terrestrial facies lake basin in study area and mainly developed clastic rock during the late Trias.
This model is suitable for predicting the porosity of clastic rock reservoirs with relatively high matrix content.
He still complements, hainan building site and building site is same now, exercise spot all is powdery clastic rock.
Near the distributary channel, coal layer divarication and pinch-out, with high ash content, and transition to clastic rock.
A set of intermediate basic volcanics, pyroclastic rock and top part of clastic rock is found in north of Balikun coal mine.
Ore bodies lie in the clastic rock of the upper Batang Group of Triassic, strictly controlled by the stratigraphy and lithology.
The natural soda water occurs mainly in the pore-fissure confined aquifer of the clastic rock of Nenjiang group, Upper Cretaceous.
Among which, there are the developed oil gas bearing formation, coal bearing formation and red continental clastic rock formation.
There are two kinds of oil supply ways in the Tertiary clastic rock oil reservoirs in Jizhong Region:one is fractured surface supply oil;
The equipment was heavily damaged due to wearing of the quartz-clastic rock with high strength, high hardness and great content of SiO_2.
According to geological age, it may be divided into Upper Triassic coal-bearing formation and Lower-Middle Jurassic clastic rock formation.
It has been proved that the clastic rock not only provide Pb and Zn for the deposits but also channeled the ore fluids during mineralization.
The substrate is mainly basalt and volcanic clastic rock, and then limestone and phosphorite in seamounts MA, MC, MD, ME, MF from Magellan seamounts.
Distinctive crystal clastic rock enchases craft every design likes an artwork, aglimmer glamour burnish, popular feeling chord is touched like diamond.
Main hydrocarbon bearing layer systems are Middle-Upper Jurassic shallow Marine sandstone, Upper Crataceous river faciess and delta faciess clastic rock.
Upper Permian coal-bearing formation in Xinhua coal-mine is a set of coal-bearing formation of marine carbonate rock and clastic rock in Liuzhi, Guizhou.
Chengdao oil field has a crystalline basement of Achaean granite gneiss and a sedimentary basement of Paleozonic carbonate rock or Mesozonic clastic rock.
And every lithological member is composed of the lower gypsiferous salt bed and the upper terrigenous clastic rock, which belongs to the lacustrine sediment.
Observing the core with under microscope, the authors find the breccia as a kind of hydra-fracturing clastic rock forming the model of roklyfluidal dynamical.
The Taiyuan Formation develops three types of strata assemblages, including clastic rock type, limestone type and interbed of clastic rock and limestone type.
Fractal dimension will be an important parameter of studying the mathematical and genetical characters of the permeability distribution in clastic rock reservoirs.
The heterogeneity of the permeability distribution in clastic rock reservoirs is the objective factor that directly affects the efficiency of petroleum production.
The subaqueous distributary channel clastic rock bodies in the fan delta front formed the main part of the fan delta and the most important oil and gas reservoirs.
In addition, a huge thickness of foredeep clastic rock in southern foreland basin is a favorable place of exploration of deep-basin gas and carbon dioxide gas pools.
In addition, a huge thickness of foredeep clastic rock in southern foreland basin is a favorable place of exploration of deep-basin gas and carbon dioxide gas pools.