The proposal is to pay everything you owe, so that you can start with a clean slate.
It's as if hand-washing in any form "wipes the slate clean" and removes the residual feelings and rationalizations associated with the choice, Lee said.
Wracked with shame and overcome by grief at what he has become, he breaks his parole and wipes the SLATE clean.
That should clean Nakheel's SLATE with half its contractors, the firm says. The other half will have their claims settled by a mix of cash and a tradable IOU.
January is a popular time to wipe the SLATE clean.
If Mr Osborne wiped the SLATE clean, he could at one extreme rely entirely on spending cuts or at the other on tax rises.
If you're lucky, you get to start with a company from the ground up to design the data center, you have plenty of capital and new servers, and you have a clean SLATE.
This is a fairly radical process for a business or individual to take and generally involves wiping a slate clean to rebuild from the ground up.
It's energizing to begin with a clean SLATE without any drag from the past, but it can be dangerous to not acknowledge where we stumbled and make corrections along the shiny new path ahead.
The clean-slate method is just one way to simplify your life and your stuff, but it's worked very well for me.
The company described the move as part of a broader overhaul of strategy, adding that Versace wanted 'a clean slate' while hunting for 'new locations and more suitable distribution channels' in Japan.
To really make the clean SLATE method work for you, it's helpful to set a purge deadline.
Now a new study published Friday in Science asks whether hand-washing can wipe the slate clean of any past behavior — even everyday decisions, like, say, choosing Paris over Rome for vacation.
The arrival of Mr Obama represents something of a clean slate—though Spain’s recent unilateral withdrawal of soldiers from Kosovo, without warning, has not gone down too well in Washington.
In the beginning of a relationship, each party should ideally have a clean SLATE and be on their best behavior, instead of showcasing their baggage like a badge of honor.
Not every project gets a clean SLATE at the end, which is a great equalizer in terms of learning to write maintainable code.
The latter approach has the obvious advantage of providing a clean slate, enabling the definition of a language that is optimally suited to the problem at hand.
If you might do a clean-slate design anyway, you might as well put the expanded feature set of 2.0 at your disposal.
Accept and believe that God has wiped the SLATE clean.
If you ever want to overwrite any of your local modifications, you can do another checkout with the -f option to bring you back to a clean SLATE.
However, Web Beans had the advantage of starting from a clean SLATE and so the end result is cleaner, more elegant and more type safe overall.
The ability to start with a clean SLATE every 2-3 months is priceless.
I have named this "formula" - the clean SLATE Method because it has the power to "wipe the SLATE clean" so a relationship can begin to heal.
If you run the program again, it starts with a clean SLATE.
When you look back you will see that this was a blessing, for you will enter the New Year with a clean slate and the ability to make things ever so much better in the future.
When you look back you will see that this was a blessing, for you will enter the New Year with a clean slate and the ability to make things ever so much better in the future.