This method has clear and definite geometric background.
Thus, The range of regional snail control is clear and definite.
I am sure most of you would love to see a clear and definite verdict here.
The premise of the existence of legal steps is the clear and definite standards.
The control form should be an importance of the human clear and definite object according to.
The absence of clear and definite regulations results in much confusion in judiciary practice.
Steps of simulated operation were clear and definite, and it was very similar to routine operation.
Their experience means that you will have clear and definite understanding without the need to translate.
Such consciousness should be like that stroke of color in the paintings, being a symbol, clear and definite.
Conclusion Advocating the autopsy, clear and definite neonatal death cause, and decreasing a wrong diagnosis.
Substantial requirements and conditions, terms of contract, standards and sub-contracting must be clear and definite.
They mean persons should hold clear and definite minds and catch the main ideas of the meeting when they have a meeting.
Idea with the mutual token of the idea, make the idea become a network, the whichever idea all has no clear and definite boundary.
The physical meaning is clear and definite when integral calculus method is adopted to establish the basic equations of traffic flow.
But owing to lack of clear and definite management strategy and marketing tactics, the managerial achievement of the company has been decreased.
Second, the passage made clear and definite the character of plural number appended element and count it's appearing frequency and related sentences.
The accuracy of the model is higher. The conception of physics factor is clear and definite. The precision of the highest level of ice dam is about 90%.
It is clear and definite that the speed grade of the differential dual drive sy-stem is good enough to meet the demands for free tension continuous rolling.
The basic reasons are that the belongingness of commercial exploitation right of sports stars isn't clear and definite and management mechanism is imperfect.
The intelligent grading system of grain purchasing can improve the accuracy of moisture content. It also can clear and definite the quality grade of the grain.
Clear and definite the health standard that mental state educate the inside with work principle: Objectivity principle, development principle, difference principle etc.
Therefore, the target is clear and definite?the administrative levels are clear?style or manner of writing being concise and the aimed target are its basic characteristics.
In judicial practice at present in China, there aren't any clear and definite leg al provisions in undertaking to indemnify the human foetus whose interests were jeopardized.
The struction of single jump twin increase function of plane is researched, simple, clear and definite struetion of single jump twin increase function graph of plane is obtained.
It is especially clear and definite that in the business contract, other business patterns including the lump-sun payment, the instalment payment and so on employ the principle …
But in fulfilling process in administration contract concluding, confound sometimes with civil contract, have no way to give administration a contract with relief clear and definite.
Process with flat surface the clear and definite dividing the line the bore the coarseness processes to process with the nicety the stage to guarantee their process the precise degree.
Concrete but the speech expresses primarily at. It predominate the consciousness in teacher's teaching not strong, lack the clear and definite leading to, the teaching target is misty;
Make use of the method of the cultural heritage data, check the our country the law to have no to the public place in athletics indemnity duty now concrete clear and definite provision.
Male artists seem to have a very clear and definite picture of what they have done. They are always ready to share their sets of ideas concerning art, probably because they are more rational.