You can clear data in a few ways, depending on the result you need.
To clear data from the current cursor position the end of a line, you use tput el.
Android: which call back do we get when we click "CLEAR DATA" of any application?
To clear data from the current cursor position to the end of the device, you use tput Ed.
But these efforts won't be enough if they're not founded on clear data and better evaluations of impact on the ground.
What's clear from that less than clear data is that a tactical and temporary withdrawal does not appear to increase the divorce rate.
I then extract the initialization vector (IV) into a byte array, block encrypt the clear data, and prefix the IV bytes to the encrypted data bytes.
A kind of technology is introduced, which USES meta-data in database management system to make clear data structure which is unknown in closed module.
The equipment parameters of power system are described in the Frame Knowledge Representation, and a visual and hierarchal clear data structure is constructed.
I use a block cipher algorithm for encryption that requires the clear data bytes to be in blocks of 8 bytes, so I pad the last incomplete block with some characters.
Limits of operation rights differ for different users, and only the system user can perform serial interface setup, warning temperature setup and clear data backup etc.
RDBMS is based on firm mathematics set theory with simple and clear data structure, and powerful query function, so it has become the basic technology for realization of information system.
What's more, the application lets you copy the selected information to the Clipboard and paste it into other third-party utilities, and clear data displayed into the primary panel with just one click.
The data is exact enough, for a clear trend to be easily discernible.
The data is exact enough for a clear trend to be easily discernible.
Whenever you start a project with someone, you have to establish a clear understanding of expectations for who owns the data, at what point they go public and who can do what with them.
It is not yet clear whether the patch will reinstate or fix this trophy data.
Each business event includes a clear definition of the accompanying data.
Using views gives you clear performance gains over querying the data manually.
This data set showed no clear trend, said Stott.
This tooth was created using a conventional, neat data set and is extremely clear.
Ban, speaking Tuesday in New York, said evidence showing climate change happening much faster than anticipated is "quite clear," as is data that humans are the primary cause.
Right now, the specification is not clear about how a Data Graph must be described.
The above XML data representation is fairly clear.
Patients need to have clear, reliable data about cost and quality before they make decisions about their care.
For some time, the sensitive data is in clear text on the WAP gateway.
What is clear from the data is that foreigners have not deserted the US economy so far and no evidence suggests that they are on the verge of turning away from the largest economy in the world.
The clear distinction of data and metadata is outside the scope of this article.
Monetary supply tightening will have to happen eventually, but this data makes clear that doing so in the near-term would be premature.
The Run menu pulldown lets you start a test or clear all prior data for the next test.