Last year a South Korean court declared that a sale of Samsung securities by Mr Lee to his children at below market prices was legal, clearing the way for the next generation to take control.
Kim Taylor, the president of Chicago Mercantile Exchange’s clearing division, said “the market” simply wasn’t interested in Mr. Griffin’s idea.
In the short term, he suggested imposing centralised clearing-something associated with exchanges-on parts of the market that can be standardised.
The stock price depends on the interaction between agents' sentiments and market feedback, and is fixed each day by a clearing house mechanism.
Besides a clearing house, the market could do with more transparency.
Most of it was in the West. Western workers were able to pay themselves above the global "market-clearing" price because they faced little, if any, competition from elsewhere.
Because Hoover insisted that wage rates stay the same, even though the market-clearing wage rate was falling with productivity and general prices, the result was larger and larger unemployment.
It may also be inconsistent with America's toxic-asset plan, which needs loans and securities to be carried at market-clearing prices to work.
A 150 meter-wide clearing in the volcano’s crater lends space for an outdoor theater, a market, and a sloping pine forest.
The provisions of this section shall have effect with respect to the application by a recognized clearing house of property provided as market collateral.
The property rights trading market may provide clearing service of payment for transactions of property rights.
Comparing to the results from traditional support vector machine for forecasting market clearing price and price spike in power market, the TGA-SVM manifests the more accurate forecasting results.
About the problem of labor market clearing, three hypotheses were formed in the history of labor economic theory.
This paper does not begin with the orthodox dogma that the causes of unemployment lie in the obstacles to the mechanisms that supposedly ensure the clearing of the labor market.
And if the operating reserve market pricing can make changes in the energy market clearing price, it will lead to critical aftereffect.
This value is very close to Table 1's because of factor market clearing conditions.
Bidding model and market clearing model are designed and the algorithms are proposed.
Under the market environment, market clearing price has high uncertainty, which should be considered in self-unit commitment.
The first is labor market clearing theory which was. represented by classical economics and neoclassical economics general equilibrium theory.
This paper presents the bidding strategy of power plant in spot market under uniform clearing price mechanism.
Firstly, the concepts of FX capital market and FX capital market clearing system are introduced in this paper.
Forecasting the market - clearing price MCP is the basis of decision making for each participant in electricity market.
A clearing price is directly obtained from the dual solution of market optimization in standard pricing.
By then, the FX capital market clearing system will be the uniform clearing system for FX capital market in whole bank and play a most important role.
On the basis of the description for the rule of competitive bidding, the clearing rule and transaction rule according with the characters of electricity market are given.
On this basis, a new model is presented which uses the forecasted market clearing price MCP and finance goals as constraints besides the power flow constrains, and it is solved by Newton method.
Forecasting the market-clearing price (MCP) is the most essential task for any decision-making in electricity market.
It seems certain that regulators will force CDS to become a public market by making Banks and funds trade them on exchanges or through clearing houses, which will oversee and publish trades.
It seems certain that regulators will force CDS to become a public market by making Banks and funds trade them on exchanges or through clearing houses, which will oversee and publish trades.