Clement Attlee wanted to nationalize British industry after World War II; Barack Obama certainly wants to avoid nationalization of either Banks or car companies.
Clement Attlee在二战后,想要将英国的工业国有化;Barack Obama当然是不想把银行或是汽车公司国有化的。
Even their contemporaries took them seriously: when Churchill stood against Clement Attlee in Britain's elections of 1945, about half the population heard one or both of their campaign broadcasts.
即使与他们同时代的人也对他们十分尊重,丘吉尔在1945年英国大选与克莱门特•艾德礼(Clement Attlee)展开角逐时,大约有一半英国人收听了其中一人或两人的竞选广播。
Even their contemporaries took them seriously: when Churchill stood against Clement Attlee in Britain's elections of 1945, about half the population heard one or both of their campaign broadcasts.
即使与他们同时代的人也对他们十分尊重,丘吉尔在1945年英国大选与克莱门特•艾德礼(Clement Attlee)展开角逐时,大约有一半英国人收听了其中一人或两人的竞选广播。