Click 'Continue' to connect to the Internet.
For each of the connections that you created in the previous step, click on the connection, then connect the inbound operation parameter to the outbound operation input.
Click the canvas, and connect the string expression to the log expression.
Connect two electrodes to the leg of a live cockroach (included); every time the bug twitches, its neurons emit an electrical spike that translates into a loud click.
In the Connect to server dialog box, click the server that you want in the server type list, type a server name in the server name box, and then click Connect.
If you move the mouse to the right side of the object, the mouse pointer changes, indicating that you can click to connect the element.
Click each use case and drag it to the actor to connect the actor to the use cases.
To connect to a wireless network, click the wireless icon on the top right of the screen and select the network's name from the list.
Why shouldn't we instead be able to simply click on our friend's name and connect to them?
Connect them to your computer through the sound card, click record on Audacity's interface, and start playing the songs you want to record.
Select a port from the list and click Finish to connect.
Click the canvas, and then connect the string expression to the log expression by right-clicking the text expression, selecting Add - Link, and then clicking the Print to log utility.
Click Add to connect the Command Editor to the ORDERS database.
Click Go | network and then attempt to connect to your Windows network.
Give us an easy one-click way to truly and totally disconnect from Facebook connect whenever we want.
If you click DataSource, you can add the data source that you want WTE to use to connect to supported databases.
Connect the classes: Click on Generalization on the palette, and then drag from the child class to the parent class.
After you install these tools, connect to the site that you are developing and click YSlow on the Firefox status bar.
If a new broker has had statistics started since the view was opened, click Refresh on the Graph view to connect to the new broker. Here are some sample statistics data.
IBM offers a raft of developer-side tools and workbenches through which SOA architects and designers can connect to legacy services through drag-and-drop and point-and-click modeling.
IBM提供大量供开发人员使用的工具和工作台,soa架构师和设计人员可通过其采用拖放和Point - and - Click建模的方式连接到遗留服务。
In the previous section, you saw two ways of binding to the click event: YUI's event and Dojo's connect.
Click OK to connect to the LDAP server.
Click on Test in the upper right corner of the pane to verify that you can successfully connect to the database.
Select the DB2 connection, and right-click on it to modify the connection in order to connect to the IBM DB2 UDB SAMPLE database. (See Figure 1 for my Settings.)
选择DB 2连接,右击它并修改连接,以连接到IBM DB 2UDBSAMPLE数据库(关于我的设置,参见图1。)
Click on Test connection to verify that you can connect to the DB2 TPOX database.
单击testconnection以验证是否可以连接到DB 2TPOX数据库。
Click on the Test connections button to see if the Deployment Wizard can connect to the target machine.
After you click Finish, the J2C wizard generates code that is able to connect to the IMS.
Select Connect to action to process form submission on default branch and click Next.
选择Connect toactiontoprocessformsubmission ondefaultbranch,然后单击Next。
Click on the Test connection option in the upper right corner of this window to verify that you can connect to the DB2 TPOX database.
在该窗口的右上角单击testconnection选项,检查是否已经连接到DB 2TPOX数据库。
Click on the Test connection option in the upper right corner of this window to verify that you can connect to the DB2 TPOX database.
在该窗口的右上角单击testconnection选项,检查是否已经连接到DB 2TPOX数据库。