The presentation tier is the interface from the servers to the client, and is responsible for formatting the output so that it can be displayed on the client.
These clients are referred to as thick or fat clients because they had a significant portion of the executable code in the client tier (see Figure 2).
Stateful interactions between client and server can be managed on either the Web tier or the business tier.
These exceptions are fairly meaningless, and can be especially confusing when received by a client in the Web tier.
这些异常完全没有任何意义,由Web 层的客户机接收时尤其容易混淆。
All end users, who use the infrastructure, are seen as part of the client tier (at this point we make no difference between Intranet and Internet applications).
The WebSphere XD use case mainly consists of three tiers which are named client tier, DMZ tier, and middleware tier.
WebSphereXD用例主要由三个层次组成,即客户端层、DMZ 层和中间件层。
It provides a complete example of a CORBA client accessing business-tier EJBs managed by the Geronimo server.
This arrangement shows a thick client deployment in which all the presentation and some of the application logic are mapped to the client physical tier.
These services create a model that the presentation tier consumes to create a view to send to a client.
We will create a custom message converter to send a trade creation request message from the client to the middle tier.
The only differences are the nature of the client and the presentation layer of the middle tier.
The package's client-side components are usually deployed within a client application or installed on a remote server that is interacting as a client tier.
In this pattern, the client is the individual raising an ethical concern and the concrete handler is the management chain from the lowest tier to the top of the organization.
This approach overcomes the security problems of deploying two-tier systems over the WAN by replicating a native client to a remote user.
A three-tier enterprise architecture consists of a client tier, middle tier, and a data tier.
The overall design goal is not to complicate the scenario by providing unnecessary flashy screens on the client tier.
This content is transferred to the browser on the client tier, which takes care of rendering the user interfaces.
The components can then be used to provide multi-tier client - and server-based enterprise applications.
In the client tier, this scenario USES browser-based controls enabled through single-page XHTML user interface elements along with XHR and JSON.
And two-tier systems perform poorly when a fat client must connect to a database over the WAN.
Two-tier thick client applications are easy to develop, but any software upgrade because of changes in user interface or business logic has to be rolled out for all the clients.
In this setup, the client bypasses the Web tier and communicates directly with the business tier (session beans) using the IIOP protocol.
This simple Swing-based GUI client application will access the CMP2 entity EJB in the business tier and display all the pet store product categories.
这个简单的基于Swing的GUI客户机应用程序将访问业务层中的CMP2实体e JB,并显示宠物店所有产品种类。
In a Web application, the client tier is handled by the Web browser.
Such proven strengths on the client tier can be combined with open source technologies such as PHP, Python, and Ruby to extend the Ajax story into mid-tier application development.
Then there was another form of two-tier architecture in which not only the UI but even the business logic resided on the client tier.
In this example Web application, the client (a JSP page in the Web tier) holds a reference to, and calls methods on, an instance of the CustomerSession stateful session EJB component.
TTU is required on the engine tier and must also be installed on the client tier if the Teradata legacy stages are used in ETL jobs. TTU depends on the following packages.
It would be more appropriate for design, performance, and style reasons to USES XSLT transformations in the middle-tier or client to create the final Web page.
In 2-tier Client application models people were even accessing the database directly from the event-handlers.