Client response times are not always an indicator that the server is near saturation, because work is buffered in the server queues.
The test methodology used to measure the user client response times was designed to simulate how a typical user would use Domino Web Access.
NOTE: We also attempted to measure client response times while simulating a low-speed connection for some key interactions with the mail client.
This decision is also based on client access types and response times, as well as other infrastructure capabilities such as network connectivity, bandwidth, and power outage risks.
This will, of course, be at the expense of increasing average response times between the Rational Requirements Composer client and server, because requests are given a longer time to complete.
We then ran the workload with varying numbers of users and measured the client response time, probe response time, CPU utilization, disk write times, and disk utilization.
Up to now, we have assumed a synchronous interaction, where each client of an invocation expects a response message and will wait until this response arrives or times out.
You would also not expect to see 8-second response times on the client side.
There may be times when the response from the server needs to come back to the client as an XML document.
To enable collection of per-command response times, add the following Settings to the client driver's Notes.ini file.
要启用各命令响应时间的收集,可将如下设置添加到客户机驱动程序的Notes . ini文件中。
When the client expresses himself, a response to that is needed. At such times therapist self-expression can get in the way.
The response is so slow from the data store that the client's PXE request times out before provider a can state that it does not want to answer the client.
The response is so slow from the data store that the client's PXE request times out before provider a can state that it does not want to answer the client.