For the last two years I have been working as a client service manager and tax consultant with KPGM.
The service manager will read name of the SOAP service that the SOAP client wants to invoke and check whether the required service actually resides on this SOAP server.
服务管理器会读取SOAP客户机想调用的 SOAP 服务的名称并检查所需的服务实际上是否驻留于这台 SOAP 服务器上。
The Services Manager now invokes a method on ActionHandler, which performs various operations like invoking the SOAP Client and passing the required service implementor URLs, URN, and method name.
现在ServicesManager调用 ActionHandler 的一个方法,该方法将执行各种不同操作,如调用SOAPClient和传送所需的服务实现者URL、URN 和方法名。
Service description (WSDL) of the front-end client and back-end server contains information on the services being exposed from the Document manager application.
The connection manager redirects the client applications to the appropriate server based on following factors specified in the Service-Level Agreement (SLA) policy.
根据Service - LevelAgreement (SLA)策略中指定的以下因素,连接管理器将客户机应用程序重定向到适当的服务器。
Note that in the Tivoli Access Manager architecture, the client and service provider must be members of the same Kerberos realm or of Kerberos realms that have a trust relationship.
The article presents the policy sets and bindings required for the client and provider, as well as the Tivoli Federated Identity Manager trust service chain configuration needed to issue a SAML token.
If you know that the manager values client satisfaction, point out how the control's design can be used to provide proactive and consistent evidence of client service.
Learn how the relationship between the Service Bureau manager and the managers of other departments within their client company differs from what an in-house center manager experience.
Learn how the relationship between the Service Bureau manager and the managers of other departments within their client company differs from what an in-house center manager experience.