In some cases the client may already have a CMS in mind that they want to use, but this is often not the case.
As in the case of passwords, the AIX 5l administrator can configure the LDAP client to use a different group member attribute.
To test it, use a Telnet client or the test case provided with the download.
This article will show you how to use handlers to cache the body, use this cached data in case of failure conditions, and then write a reliable Web service client.
You can't use any of the tooling or wizards that can do fancy things like generate client proxies from a WSDL. This is usually the case because a WSDL cannot describe the maverick web service.
这里有个大问题就是缺乏统一,您不能使用任何工具或向导来随心所欲的做事情,比如通过WSDL生成客户端代理器,因为 WSDL不能描述非规范 Web 服务。
One is to use SSH's X tunneling feature to let you forward X requests from the client (that's the PS3) to the server (that's the Mac, in this case).
The WebSphere XD use case mainly consists of three tiers which are named client tier, DMZ tier, and middleware tier.
WebSphereXD用例主要由三个层次组成,即客户端层、DMZ 层和中间件层。
So, in other words, to use my strategy, simply write one test case class, and then always deploy to both the client and the server.
In this case, either do not use stored procedure, or execute part of the logic in the client side and execute the rest in a stored procedure.
In the following section, I will discuss several aspects of the implementation of this use case as a user (represented by a client application) interacting with a remote system.
A fetch plan is a useful construct because the client can control the content of the requested representation for the same logical resource on a per-use-case basis.
So it is good use-case for a desktop-client application.
In the case of an LDAP search request, ApacheDS would use the LDAP-specific ProtocolEncoder object to encode the search results before sending the response to the requesting client.
To implement the use case, the client first performs a remote call to CartService and retrieves the Cart and CartItem objects.
In the use case example, you implement a CartWrapperService that functions as a wrapper and converts the service call coming from the client to calls to the original Home components.
The client that calls the service for the use case is now assumed to be a Web-based store application that displays the cart to a user.
Assume the above use case of reading a shopping cart is implemented as a web service (the home components are wrapped in web services, while the user is using a web services client).
Assume the above use case of reading a shopping cart is implemented as a web service (the home components are wrapped in web services, while the user is using a web services client).