He is in the climactic moments of his career.
We whomped our arch rival in the season's climactic football game.
In a climactic battle, the two master combatants displayed amazing speed and agility.
France has a particular blend of climactic conditions and land that is difficult to reproduce elsewhere.
Set in the low-lying Ganges–Brahmaputra River Delta, Bangladesh sits in a perfect storm of climactic conditions.
In the first account in Genesis 1, the creation of human is clearly the climactic divine act: after this God can rest.
In the final war on Earth, two sides struggled against each other in a desperate, climactic battle far above the planet.
Einstein's climactic fourth lecture at the Prussian Academy, on Nov. 25, was titled "the Field Equations of Gravitation".
The climactic conference approved a draft of the treaty that is expected to go to the member states for ratification next year.
译文: 这次标志着大功告成的会议通过了条约草案,这一草案可望于明年递交各会员国批准。
Conclusion Bilateral ovariectomy may affect the climactic symptoms in post-menopausal women, especially in early menopausal period.
So in the backdrop of global warming and other climactic abnormalities, we all are always hoping for a climactically pleasant place to live in.
With the World Cup nearing a climactic showdown and Tour de France in full swing, our television screens feature a decidedly international flair.
In fact, Chile is a dream place for meteorology buffs, with no less than seven distinct climactic types. All this within the same country borders.
The climactic showdown in Cuba, where many of the book's themes come together, is a good example of the authors' skill at bringing complex events to life.
“There is a whole transportation infrastructure that is developed on the climate of the past, ” said Tom Karl, head of NOAA’s National Climactic Data Center.
Grins broke out in the audience during the climactic passage where the pianist pounds the lower end of the instrument in tandem with the timpani and bass drum.
According to the release intensity of the cortex vesicles, cortical reaction can be divided into the latent period, development period, climactic period, declining period.
Finally, after reaching a climactic stalemate, Ari finds an unexpected solution to their love affair - a private world where reality and fantasy mesh into a strange harmony.
Jules: And it originates I think in India but they, I think the underlying idea is that because yoga originates in India that we should practice yoga in the same climactic conditions.
Also among his grandfather's papers is what Mark Logue believes is the actual copy of the speech George VI read at the outbreak of war with Germany 1939 — the climactic scene of the movie.
The existing problems are pointed out and new cognition about the presupposition of climactic compound sentence is presented on the basis of summarizing and inheriting the former research.
Later, he led a corps in one of its climactic campaigns, against Vicksburg, Mississippi, and he commanded a federal army in the last battle of the war in the East, at Bentonville, North Carolina.
The climactic stage in the project will take place in the 2012-13 Antarctic summer, when the lake Ellsworth Consortium will use the data in this paper to access a sub-glacial lake for the first time.
该项目的最重要的阶段将在2012年至2010年南极的夏天,那时Ells worth湖首份冰河时期的数据报告将完成。
The climactic stage in the project will take place in the 2012-13 Antarctic summer, when the lake Ellsworth Consortium will use the data in this paper to access a sub-glacial lake for the first time.
该项目的最重要的阶段将在2012年至2010年南极的夏天,那时Ells worth湖首份冰河时期的数据报告将完成。