UKIP is proud of its own climate scepticism, and says it would repeal the 2008 climate Change Act, remove al Gore DVDs from schools, allow wind turbines only offshore, and so on.
That's one rationale for handing this issue over to Congress: The Clean Air Act, as written, simply isn't well-designed to handle a massive issue like climate change.
Inevitably those who resist tackling climate change point to the global nature of emissions as a reason not to act.
Firstly, climate change is a real threat to our planet, so we must not get overwhelmed by the task and use rebound effects as an excuse not to act.
Many will have chosen to write about climate change because they think something should be done about it and that if their readers get scared they will be more likely to act.
The Prince of Wales is to issue a stark warning that nations have "less than 100 months to act" to save the planet from irreversible damage due to climate change.
In other words, we can and should act to limit climate change.
With that deadline looming, Obama has made his most forceful appeal to date for Congress to act on climate change.
Ed Miliband, the climate change secretary, said: "Now we have the 2c goal, that can act as a yardstick to drive up ambition, which is what we need to do over the next six months."
Pachauri also accused critics who have used an error in the 2007 IPCC report to question the scientific basis of climate change of "an act of astonishing intellectual legerdemain [sleight of hand]".
Some computer models of climate change predict a major drying-out of the Amazon, which would then act to speed up global warming by releasing more carbon.
The advantage of this report is that it turns the problem of climate change on its head by asserting the need to act to avoid a major economic crisis (a 20 % drop in production).
本报告好在它将气候变化作为首要问题,强调必须采取行动避免出现生产总值下降20 %的重大经济危机。
But in the long run, cheap fossil fuels reduce the incentive to act on climate change.
It is an act of the will, a turning of the emotions, a change in the climate of the personality.
When the most climate change vulnerable nations display leadership in addressing the cause of the problem which they had very little to contribute to, there is no excuse for others not to act.
The planet's oceans store more than 90 percent of the heat in the Earth's climate system and act as a temporary buffer against the effects of climate change.
The planet's oceans store more than 90 percent of the heat in the Earth's climate system and act as a temporary buffer against the effects of climate change.
地球气候系统的热量有90%以上被储存在全球海洋中,因此海洋扮演了遏制气候变化效应的临时缓冲器的角色。 。
Even in Europe, where 62% of people accept humanity's role in climate change, willingness to act, especially in the form of paying higher prices to reduce emissions, is relatively low.
The environmental, social and economic costs of failing to act, and act now, on climate change would be catastrophic.
The environmental, social and economic costs of failing to act, and act now, on climate change would be catastrophic.