Global warming is destined to have a far more destructive and earlier impact than previously estimated, the most authoritative report yet produced on climate change will warn next week.
Climate model High levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere may have less of an impact on the rate of global warming than feared, a new study suggests.
Objective Impact of climate warming in winter on the potential epidemics of dengue fever in Hainan was assessed.
The main reason for global warming: human activities definitely have an impact on climate change.
However, in the short run traveling by air has a larger adverse climate impact because airplanes strongly affect short-lived warming processes at high altitudes.
Global climate warming has a profound and extensive impact on the earth's ecosystems and human society.
Temperature is an essential environmental factor for the survival of snails. Therefore, it is important to study the impact of climate warming on snail-breeding and schistosomiasis transmission.
In addition, the climate warming would produce the significant impact on the global water cycle, and make the El ni o respond increase, and give rise to the more and abnormal climate catastrophe.
AFP offers thorough coverage of international negotiations and scientific studies on global warming and reports on the broadening impact of climate change on daily life.
AFP offers thorough coverage of international negotiations and scientific studies on global warming and reports on the broadening impact of climate change on daily life.