So many young women and men cling to a Cinderella fantasy they learned in their youth, perpetuated by tabloid stories of happily-ever-after celebrity weddings that require zero hard work.
许多年轻的少男少女们一直执着于他们儿时听到过的故事灰姑娘,沉浸于那种“王子和公主举行了盛大的婚礼。 从此以后,他们过着幸福的生活。”
But for whoever has lost his youth there is nothing to cling to and nowhere where melancholy can escape itself.
We all live in the delicate bladder, the use of cling to each other, skin-friendly way of heating comfort for the confused and lonely youth.
We all live in the delicate bladder, the use of cling to each other, skin-friendly way of heating comfort for the confused and lonely youth.