A split mirror of a DB2 UDB database can be initialized as a snapshot of the source database, essentially an instantaneous clone of the source database.
DB 2UD b数据库的分割镜像可以被初始化为源数据库的一个快照,实质上是源数据库的一个瞬时克隆。
A database backup taken on the clone database can be restored on the source database.
In this step, you will create a local clone of Spring Roo by checking out the latest source using Git.
Many of them run or were initially launched using the open source Digg-clone Pligg.
Clonezilla is an open source (GPL) Norton Ghost-like duplication and clone solution that you can use to clone a particular partition or entire disk.
If you are using a clustered environment, you can modify the source to work with multiple clones, as this version supports only one clone.
By allowing dynamic linking to individual gene or clone reports, SOURCE facilitates browsing of large genomic datasets.
By allowing dynamic linking to individual gene or clone reports, SOURCE facilitates browsing of large genomic datasets.